Aug. 3rd, 2011
Improving Communication Environments from The Earthquake Impacts
Aids from Foundation Franco-Japonaise Sasakawa
As the first step of the business recovery we can do, we began to support recovering "communication environments for business" because we got to know the business recovery were yet to keep up with the situation when we visited and listened to the affected ones.
We provided the below things.
- Recycle PCs presented by Anchor Network Service ,Inc
- Mobile communication cards
- Service of domain registration and e-mail use on the internet
We distributed them as a free package of communication environment
improvement kits.
We were introduced to Foundation Franco-Japonaise Sasakawa by Calexium, whose products and services we distribute. We told them our above plan and they willingly supported us. Finally, we could provide more kits to people in the affected areas.
Started A Team of Improving Communication Environments in The Great East Japan Earthquake
We started a team of improving communication environments and visited those in the affected areas constantly in order to get closer to them. We contact local goverments, universities, chambers of commerce and industry, NPOs and various organizations, support the business recovery by communication environment improvement kits, and look for better aids.
The acitivity was picked up on Fukkou-Kamaishi Shimbun, local newspaper

There is a writing error of in Foundation Franco-Japonaise Sasakawa on the article.
Incorrect: Sasakawa Heiwa Zaidan
Correct: Sasakawa Nichi-Futsu Zaidan
We will keep finding what we can do and put it into action promptly. So contact us if you are going to take action together.